Friday 31 July 2020


Another year ... another possible, and certainly belated, adventure. This April we moved house, from SE London all the way to Plymouth; yes, during the lockdown - yes, legally. Now we have this view, and from June onwards many, many boats have been plying these waters. Imagine our frustration, because SIRENA IV is safely tucked away in a shed in N Germany.

So now we judge that August is the least worse time to make a dash for it, and go and get her bottom wet. On 5 August we're travelling light on many trains - assuming COVID-19 'no travel' advice is not extended to Germany - so here's our packing prep. If you're wondering about the IKEA bag, it contains charts - the only way to carry them.

We are not saying (here, in print) what our intentions are because the last two seasons the plans have had to change radically due to incidents. We will get her launched ... and then we'll let you know.

We will be very pleased to receive any messages or questions as we go along - just click on the 'Comments' link below each story/entry/post. You won't need to login, you can be anonymous 😊


  1. Good luck you guys! Hope the many trains journey goes smoothly :)

  2. Have a safe journey and may the wind gods be with you all the way. - Peter

  3. Wonderful view - worth the effort of moving! Hope you have a troublefree trip out, all's well in Burgstaaken and fair sailing home. John and Val

  4. Hope the train journey goes well. We're looking forward to following your adventures!

  5. Best wishes for a smooth journey out. I'll keep an eye open for any updates to the blog.
